Field Robotics

Special Issue on Unmanned Marine Systems

Guest Editorial Team: Hanumant Singh, Northeastern University, Stefan Williams, The University of Sydney, Blair Thornton, University of Southampton

  1. BulletThyri, E., & Breivik, M. (2022). A domain-based and reactive COLAV method with a partially COLREGs-compliant domain for ASVs operating in confined waters. Field Robotics, 2, 637-677. PDF

  2. BulletDallolio, A., Øveraas, H., Alfredsen, J., Fossen, T., & Johansen, T. (2022). Design and Validation of a Course Control System for a Wave-Propelled Unmanned Surface Vehicle. Field Robotics, 2, 748-773. PDF

  3. BulletRypkema, N., Schmidt, H., & Fischell, E. (2022). Synchronous-Clock Range-Angle Relative Acoustic Navigation: A Unified Approach to Multi-AUV Localization, Command, Control, and Coordination. Field Robotics, 2, 774-806. PDF

  4. BulletPinto, J., Costa, M., Mendes, R., Lima, K., Dias, P., Pereira, J., Ribeiro, M., Campos, R., Tomasino, M., Magalhães, C., López-Castejón, F., Gilabert, J., Ferreira, A., da Silva, J., Relvas, P., Lukaczyk, T., Skarpnes, K., Davies, E., Chekalyuk, A., Loureiro, B., Brosnan, I., Li, J., Sousa, J., & Rajan, K. (2022).  Coordinated Robotic Exploration of Dynamic Open Ocean Phenomena. Field Robotics, 2, 843-871. PDF

  5. BulletVander Hook, J., Seto, W., Nguyen, V., Hasnain, Z., Lee, C., Gallagher, L., Halpin-Chan, T., Varahamurthy, V., & Angulo, M. (2022). Swarms of Pirates: Red Team Exercises Using Autonomous High-Speed Maneuvering Surface Vessels. Field Robotics, 2, 872-909. PDF

  6. BulletKrasnosky, K. & Roman, C. (2022). A Massively Parallel Implementation of Gaussian Process Regression for Real Time Bathymetric Modeling and Simultaneous Localization and Mapping. Field Robotics, 2, 940-070. PDF

  7. BulletSpielvogel, A., Shah, A., & Whitcomb, L. (2022). Online Three-Axis Magnetometer Hard-Iron and Soft-Iron Bias and Angular Velocity Sensor Bias Estimation Using Angular Velocity Sensors for Improved Dynamic Heading Accuracy. Field Robotics, 2, 1001-1027. PDF

  8. BulletYamada, T., Prügel-Bennett, A., Williams, S., Pizarro, O., & Thornton, B. (2022). GeoCLR: Georeference Contrastive Learning for Efficient Seafloor Image Interpretation. Field Robotics, 2, 1134-1155. PDF

  9. BulletBillings, G., Walter, M., Pizarro, O., Johnson-Roberson, M., & Camilli, R. (2022). Towards Automated Sample Collection and Return in Extreme Underwater Environments. Field Robotics, 2, 1351–1385. PDF

  10. BulletFenucci, D., Sitbon, J., Neasham, J., Phillips, A., & Munafò, A. (2022). Ad hoc Acoustic Network Aided Localization for micro-AUVs. Field Robotics, 2, 1888-1919. PDF

  11. BulletPage, B., Lambert, R., Chavez-Galaviz, J., & Mahmoudian, N. (2022). Path Following Using Rendezvous Dubins Curves and Integral Line-of-Sight for Unmanned Marine Systems. Field Robotics, 2, 1920–1942. PDF

  12. BulletSture, Ø. & Ludvigsen, M. (2023). Feature-based Bathymetric Matching of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Transects using Robust Gaussian Processes. Field Robotics, 3, 544-559. PDF