Field Robotics


Kottege, N., Scherer, S., Faigl, J., & Agha, A. (2022). Editorial: Special Issue on Advancements and Lessons Learned during Phases I and II of the DARPA Subterranean Challenge. Field Robotics, 2, 1947–1950. PDF

  1. BulletTranzatto, M., Mascarich, F., Bernreiter, L., Godinho, C., Camurri, M., Khattak, S., Dang, T., Reijgwart, V., Löje, J., Wisth, D., Zimmermann, S., Nguyen, H., Fehr, M., Solanka, L., Buchanan, R., Bjelonic, M., Khedekar, N., Valceschini, M., Jenelten, F.,  Dharmadhikari, M., Homberger, T., De Petris, P., Wellhausen, L., Kulkarni, M., Miki, T., Hirsch, S., Montenegro, M., Papachristos, C., Tresoldi, F., Carius, J., Valsecchi, G., Lee, J., Meyer, K., Wu, X., Nieto, J., Smith, A., Hutter, M., Siegwart, R., Mueller, M., Fallon, M., & Alexis, K. (2022). CERBERUS: Autonomous Legged and Aerial Robotic Exploration in the Tunnel and Urban Circuits of the DARPA Subterranean Challenge. Field Robotics, 2, 274-324. PDF

  2. BulletLu, C., Huang, J., Huang, C.,  Liu, Z., Hsu, C., Huang, Y., Huang, S., Chang, P., Ewe, Z., Huang, P., Li ,P., Wang, B., Yim, L., Huang, S., Bai, M., & Wang, H. (2022). A Heterogeneous Unmanned Ground Vehicle and Blimp Robot Team for Search and Rescue using Data-driven Autonomy and Communication-aware Navigation. Field Robotics, 2, 557-594. PDF

  3. BulletHudson, N., Talbot, F., Cox, M., Williams, J., Hines, T., Pitt, A., Wood, B., Frousheger, D., Surdo, K., Molnar, T., Steindl, R., Wildie, M., Sa, I., Kottege, N., Stepanas, K., Hernandez, E., Catt, G., Docherty, W., Tidd, B., Tam, B., Murrell, S., Bessell, M., Hanson, L., Tychsen-Smith, L., Suzuki, H., Overs, L., Kendoul, F., Wagner, G., Palmer, D., Milani, P., O’Brien, M., Jiang, S., Chen, S., & Arkin, R. (2022). Heterogeneous Ground and Air Platforms, Homogeneous Sensing: Team CSIRO Data61’s Approach to the DARPA Subterranean Challenge. Field Robotics, 2, 595-636. PDF

  4. BulletScherer, S., Agrawal, V., Best, G., Cao C., Cujic, K., Darnley, R., DeBortoli, R., Dexheimer, E., Drozd, B., Garg, R., Higgins, I., Keller, J., Kohanbash, D., Nogueira, L., Pradhan, R., Tatum, M.,  Viswanathan, V., Willits, S., Zhao, S., Zhu, H., Abad, D., Angert, T.,  Armstrong, G., Boirum, R., Dongare, A., Dworman, M., Hu, S., Jaekel, J., Ji, R., Lai, A., Lee, Y., Luong, A., Mangelson J., Maier, J., Picard, J., Pluckter, K., Saba, A., Saroya, M., Scheide, E., Shoemaker-Trejo, N., Spisak, J., Teza, J., Yang, F., Wilson, A., Zhang, H., Choset, H., Kaess, M., Rowe, A., Singh, S., Zhang, Ji., Hollinger, G., & Travers, M. (2022). Resilient and Modular Subterranean Exploration with a Team of Roving and Flying Robots. Field Robotics, 2, 678-734. PDF

  5. BulletOrekhov, V., & Chung, T. (2022). The DARPA Subterranean Challenge: A Synopsis of the Circuits Stage. Field Robotics, 2, 735-747. PDF

  6. BulletOhradzansky, M., Rush, E., Riley, D. Mills, A., Ahmad, S., McGuire, S., Biggie, H., Harlow, K., Miles, M., Frew, E., Heckman, C., & Humbert, J. (2022). Multi-Agent Autonomy: Advancements and Challenges in Subterranean Exploration. Field Robotics, 2, 1068-1104. PDF

  7. BulletIsaacs, J., Knoedler, K., Herdering, A., Beylik, M., &  Quintero, H. (2022). Teleoperation for Urban Search and Rescue Applications. Field Robotics, 2, 1177-1190. PDF

  8. BulletAgha, A., Otsu, K., Morrell, B., Fan, D., Thakker, R., Santamaria-Navarro, A., Kim, S., Bouman, A., Lei, X., Edlund, J., Ginting, M., Ebadi, K., Anderson, M., Pailevanian, T., Terry, E., Wolf, M., Tagliabue, A., Vaquero, T., Palieri, M., Tepsuporn, S., Chang, Y., Kalantari, A., Chavez, F., Lopez, B., Funabiki, N., Miles, G., Touma, T., Buscicchio, A., Tordesillas, J., Alatur, N., Nash, J., Walsh, W., Jung, S., Lee, H., Kanellakis, C., Mayo, J., Harper, S., Kaufmann, M., Dixit, A., Correa, G., Lee, C., Gao, J., Merewether, G., Maldonado-Contreras, J.,  Salhotra, G., Saboia Da Silva, M., Ramtoula, B., Fakoorian, S., Hatteland, A., Kim, T., Bartlett, T., Stephens, A., Kim, L., Bergh, C., Heiden, E., Lew, T., Cauligi, A., Heywood, T., Kramer, A., Leopold, H., Melikyan, H., Choi, H., Daftry, S., Toupet, O., Wee, I.,  Thakur, A., Feras, M., Beltrame, G., Nikolakopoulos, G., Shim, D., Carlone, L., & Burdick, J. (2022). NeBula: TEAM CoSTAR’s Robotic Autonomy Solution that Won Phase II of DARPA Subterranean Challenge. Field Robotics, 2, 1432–1506. PDF

  9. BulletRouček, T., Pecka, M., Čížek, P., Petříček, T., Bayer, J., Šalanský, V., Azayev, T., Heřt, D., Petrlík, M., Báča, T., Spurný, V., Krátký, V.,  Petráček, P., Baril, D., Vaidis M., Kubelka, V., Pomerleau, F., Faigl, J., Zimmermann, K., Saska, M., Svoboda, T., & Krajník, T. (2022). System for multi-robotic exploration of underground environments CTU-CRAS-NORLAB in the DARPA Subterranean Challenge. Field Robotics, 2, 1779–1818. PDF

Special Issue on Advancements and lessons learned during Phase I & II of the DARPA Subterranean Challenge

Guest Editorial Team: Navinda Kottege, CSIRO, Ali Agha, JPL, Sebastian Scherer, CMU, Jan Faigl, CTU.